Following are screenplays and television pilots that Gary Kott created for NBC, CBS, ABC, Universal Pictures, and Warner Bros.  None of them have gone into production yet, the key word being yet.  Once a screenwriter in Hollywood is paid to write a script, the copyright falls legally into the hands of the studio or network.  The writer no longer owns his property and is at the mercy of the new owner to produce the movie, TV show, or not.  So far, for these Kott projects, the answer is not.  However, there’s always the key word.  Yet. 



The President of the United States is tired of constantly fending off criticism for the country’s endless problems.  He comes up with a daring solution.  He selects four average Americans to man the creation of a new government institution.  They have their own building, their own support staff, and their own headaches.  Every American with a gripe is directed to proceed past the Treasury Department, past the Defense Department, straight to the Complaint Department.  Their mission is daunting, if not impossible, but their will to solve America’s problems is relentless.


An otherwise innocuous but tragic car accident in a small Midwestern town soon has a massive effect on the world of rock ‘n’ roll.  Suzie Yama, the outrageous recording star, known equally for her debauched performances and decadent lifestyle, learns at the reading of the Last Will and Testament, that she’s been named legal guardian of her dead sister’s children.  Eager to take on a new role, Mama Yama tries to clean up her act, the drugs, the parties, the lowlife friends.  When the Fishman children move in, it’s clear that they’re not in the Midwest anymore.   


Ellis Runyon created an enviable life for himself.  He lives in a mansion.  His art collection is of museum importance.  His son is impeccably groomed, educated, and slated to become the state’s next senator, with his father’s ambition for a future Presidency.  In an act of charity and publicity, Ellis Runyon moves six troubled kids onto his property for rehabilitation.  He doesn’t know that they know.  Ellis “Bugs” Runyon grew up in the slums.  He robbed.  He mugged.  He’s still wanted for crimes committed in his youth.  Will this be the downfall of his empire?


It’s time for the annual awards convention held by iconic Blair Cosmetics.  Fifty women, top earners from each state, are flown in for the celebration.  This year’s event is held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, a bit risqué for this conservative, revered, above reproach company.  Unfortunately, when the normally staid award-winners hit town, all hell breaks loose.  Gambling.  Drinking.  Showgirls.  In short, the Convention Affair is a movie about women at convention doing precisely what men do at convention, if not wilder, certainly far more scandalous.


The upper west side of New York City was constantly expanding from crime-ridden hellholes to pretty-as-pink Yuppie havens.  Destitute tenants in run-down apartment buildings were simply no match for billionaire developers and ambitious politicians.  Nick Grant, the young building manager of a dilapidating tenement, is hellbent on preventing the eviction of his aging, helpless residents.  He gathers them together to form an unlikely army.  It’s the haves against the have-nots on steroids.  Soon, the developers and politicians have a fight on their hands they simply can’t win.